It's that time of year again. It's the time when frequent flyers begin prepping for their end-of-year goals. There are roughly 60 calendar days remaining in the year, and here is where we start looking to the future.
How far away are we from our desired airline status?
How much spend am I off by?
How many qualifying miles do I need?
These are all valid questions, and for those that took the time earlier in the year to prep, I hope you're not going through the anxiety most of us are now.
I think this is the one year I'd put off worrying about such. Currently, I am Delta Medalion Platinum and with only six hundred dollars ($600) in spending for 2022, I don't have aspirations of repeating this year.
I have three options here:
1. I can either try and spend the eight thousand dollars plus to get there and the required medallion qualifying miles.
2. I can do a status match with another U.S based carrier and have my status extended.
3. Or I can forget about it altogether and not have the stress of trying to attain status.
I think for 2023 my goal would be to fly with whoever is cheaper. Yea I'd miss the familiarity that comes with just having one airline but at the end of the day its about getting the most bang for your buck.
If you would like tips to maximize the next 60 days of travel, feel free to reach out. DM me on Instagram @novaturientnomad for more!
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