If I could have my way, I would be traveling all the time. Unfortunately for myself and alot of others, that is not the reality. So in between trips, we have to get inventive. Here are the ways to keep traveling even when your on the ground.

Coffee cup: My coffee cups carries the Cathay Pacific logo. When I’m sipping on my coffee, I often imagine sitting first class in Cathay Pacifics Boeing 777-300ER, looking out the window at the majestic skies. It’s how I start every morning.

Shot glasses: I collect shot glasses, and although I don’t drink, I find interesting ways to use them. In the morning, I take an energy shot (Oranges, lemons, ginger and water blended with cayenne pepper done to perfection in my juicer). I switch the shot glasses and have a great memory of the destination and healthy and nutritious beverage.

Cycling: When I’m out on my bike, moving throughout the city, it takes me back to Amsterdam and Denmark. I have never seen so much bicycles in my life. It’s a great way to add exercise during the day.
Destination restaurants: I haven’t been to Korea, but I am a weekly visitor to Koreatown. A favorite dish is noodle bowls and although they are not exclusive to Koreans, it’s the one I have most often. I always pick up a box of Korean fried chicken and a Boa on my way home for good measure. Lastly, ingredients I might need to make a dish at the local H-Mart.

Themed foods: We all heard about Taco Tuesday, but what if you make a dish from around the world daily. It will take a while looking at YouTube videos and getting the specific ingredients, but if done right, you can eat in another country every night.
Flight simulator: A flight simulator is one of those things you purchase and never get bored of. You don’t use it daily, but it’s always nice when I can turn it on and create my own magic moments. If I ever choose to be a pilot, I will be well prepared.
Flight research: I’ll m pretty sure my most visited site is google flights. I'm always looking for flight ideas and destinations based on when I am off. It allows me to look at multiple destinations, instead of narrowing it down to one. Conveniently, you can move to the airlines site in just once click to confirm the booking. It’s one of my many tools in my travel arsenal.
Well, there you have it, these are ways how I stay in constant travel mode even when I am on the ground. What’s yours? Comment below.
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